Today the GOP unveiled the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which included proposals that would impact college . [+] savers of all income levels.
The GOP unveiled its tax-reform bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, today with changes aimed primarily at making corporate tax rates more competitive, globally. But there are some pretty dramatic changes proposed to college savings vehicles that would impact savers at all income levels.
Registered Apprenticeship Programs Would Become Qualified Expenses
“What if my child doesn’t go to college?” is one of the top three questions asked about 529 savings plans. Today, distributions from a 529 plan are only qualified – meaning tax-free – if they are used for qualified expenses at a higher education institution that participates in the federal student loan program. Under the proposed legislation, apprenticeship programs registered and certified with the Secretary of Labor would be treated as qualified higher education institutions. According to the U.S. Department of Labor , there were over 505,000 apprentices at the end of 2016, and nearly 22,000 active programs, including United Services Military Apprenticeship Programs.
This means that children and young adults who want to become tradespeople would be able to use 529 savings for their education. This is consistent with statements from President Trump’s 2016 campaign to provide incentives to students to pursue alternative learning tracks and complements the Executive Order signed earlier this year to encourage apprenticeships.
This would be a boon to college savers, as there is a tremendous demand for skilled labor . In its annual talent shortage survey, ManpowerGroup found that skilled trade roles such as electricians, carpenters, and welders were the most difficult roles for employers to fill for the fifth year in a row. According to, as of October 2017 the median salary for an entry-level:
By contrast, a recent Korn Ferry study found the average salary of a four-year college graduate was $49,785. The expansion of 529 plans to include apprenticeship programs could encourage families to consider trades as a more desirable career path.
US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Registered Apprenticeship National . [+] Results FY 2016
US DOL Department of Employment and Training Administration
Distributions for Private Schools Would Become Qualified
Today, tax-free distributions from 529 plans are limited to qualified higher education expenses such as tuition, fees, room & board, and certain technology like laptops. However, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act proposes expanding qualified expenses to include “tuition in connection with enrollment at an elementary or secondary school,” with an upper-limit on said distribution of $10,000, making 529 plans more versatile. This better aligns 529 plans with Coverdell ESAs (Education Savings Accounts), from which families can draw for K – 12 education expenses today.
Closure of the Coverdell Education Savings Account
Under the proposed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 2017 would be the last year that contributions would be allowed to Coverdell ESAs, effectively eliminating the savings vehicle.
This is not a big surprise, as the accounts have been largely displaced by Section 529 plans. Coverdells are only offered by about a dozen or so financial services firms, most of which are smaller firms and certain mutual fund providers. Vanguard and Fidelity, for example, do not offer them. Coverdells never had any marketing behind them to reach college savers and – from a provider standpoint – are likely run at a loss, since the accounts have an upper-contribution limit of $2,000. The target audience is also extremely narrow, because you have to be relatively investment savvy to know Coverdells even exist, let alone how to use them. If your MAGI is $110,000 or more ($220,000 or more if filing jointly), you can't contribute to a Coverdell ESA by law.
As a consolation, the closure of Coverdells would be somewhat offset by the added flexibility of using 529 plans for private schools, which is one of the differentiators of the Coverdell.
Unborn Children Allowed as Beneficiaries
Today, if you want to open a 529 account for your yet-to-be-born child, you open an account in your own name, then change the beneficiary once you have a tax ID for the child. The downside to this is that if you are the parent and ask for donations to their 529 account in lieu of gifts – because who needs fifty swaddling blankets? – it can be a little awkward. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act formally recognizes and allows an account to be opened for a child in utero.
From an administrative perspective, however, this might be a challenge, as most plans require the beneficiary to have a tax ID to tie to the account. At a minimum, the beneficiary needs a name. But what if the gender is not yet specified or the parents have not selected a name for the child? The plan administrators will have to sort this one out, but it’s a win for 529 stakeholders. Parents have more time to sit and think about college savings before the child is born. It opens new marketing opportunities for providers, increases the timeline – if slightly – for the savings to grow, and opens new gift-giving possibilities.
Other Changes Impacting College Funding
The afore summarizes augmentations to 529 plans from the proposed bill, but there are other sections within the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that would impact families and students paying for – or paying off – college:
You can find a copy of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the House Ways & Means Committee web site .