If your employees use business vehicles, or perhaps your personal vehicles while they are working for you, you must understand your liability for having employees use your vehicles and do what you can to reduce it.
Business owners who wouldn't think of allowing employees to operate dangerous machinery without safety measures and policies in place often don't have firm polices in place governing the use of business vehicles. Yet it doesn't take much imagination to foresee how much damage a 5,000 pound vehicle, traveling 40 miles an hour can do, and your business and/or you personally could be held responsible.
If you are concerned that you're one of the business owners who has not given this subject enough thought, take action now! There are many things that you can do to lower the risks associated with having employees drive your vehicles. Familiarize yourself with some common ways that you or your business may be held liable for an accident, along with ways to reduce your risks.
If one of your employees is involved in an accident while driving a company vehicle and a victim of the accident sues, the victim's attorney will most likely make one or more of the following arguments for holding you liable:
The following chart sums up the elements of each of these grounds for a lawsuit and suggests ways to limit your risks in each case.
There may be additional arguments used against you in certain cases, which will vary depending on applicable state law. Moreover, different states may use different names to refer to these four arguments. However, nearly every argument used against you will bear some relation to one of the arguments described above.
One of the hazards of having employees use vehicles to perform work for you is possible respondeat superior liability. Unlike some of the other liabilities of having employees use your vehicles, you face respondeat superior liability even if your employees get into accidents while driving their own vehicles. In fact, you'll find that respondeat superior liability can come into play after any unfortunate incident — not just auto accidents — where an employee has harmed someone else or someone else's property.
Four Common Ways That Your Company May Be Held Liable for an Accident
The phrase respondeat superior is a Latin term that lawyers sometimes use. The term may be "translated" as:
If your employee,
The first reaction many people have after respondeat superior is explained to them is to exclaim something like, "That doesn't sound fair! Do you mean to tell me that if a painter runs a red light on the way to do a job and gets into an accident that the painter's employer is liable? A boss can't sit in the passenger's seat next to every employee and tell them how to drive! What will those lawyers think of next . . . "
Why it's the law. The idea of respondeat superior may make more sense to you if you think about this: suppose the painter in our example showed up at your house and instead of painting the house white, like you ordered, painted it in a nice florescent lime? Would you be more willing to hold his employer liable now? Probably. Yet a boss can't always afford to sit and watch an employee brush each stroke of paint onto a building. Clearly, at some point the law has to draw a line. In most states, this "line" is that employers will be held liable for wrongful acts committed by their employees if those acts were committed within the scope of employment.
The key to reducing your liability under respondeat superior is found in the words "within the scope of employment." (Some courts prefer wording like "furthering a purpose of the employer.") Thus, defending a respondeat superior claim typically involves one of the following options:
The theory underlying negligent hiring and retention claims — if they relate to an auto accident involving one of your employees and a company vehicle — is that you are liable for the accident because of the sloppy job you have done in hiring, or not firing, the employee who then caused the accident. As a lawyer who is helping someone to sue you sees things, if you had not hired (or retained) the employee, there would never have been an accident.
Unlike some of the other liabilities from employee use of your vehicles, you can be sued under a negligent hiring/retention theory for any unfortunate incident involving an employee, not just vehicular accidents.
So what are some effective defenses to negligent hiring or retention claims? Usually your best defense to a negligent hiring/retention argument is proving one of the following:
We'll leave it to your lawyer to argue that there was nothing wrong with your employee when, and if, the time comes that you need to assert that defense. But we can help you take steps now that will later help you prove that you are, and always have been, a conscientious employer.
These steps can help show that you are not negligent about handling your responsibilities as an employer.
In negligent lending cases, you are liable because you let an employee use a company vehicle when you knew (or should have known) the employee was unfit to drive.
What can you do about employer liability for negligently lending a vehicle? To reduce your liability from negligent lending suits against you, you can:
In negligent maintenance cases, you will be liable for an accident if a condition of your company vehicle made it unsafe to drive and that condition (for example, faulty brakes or a bad tire) contributed to the accident. Unlike some of the other liabilities from employee use of your vehicles we discuss, you can be sued by both your employee and anyone the employee injures with your vehicle if it was negligently maintained.
What are the grounds for negligent maintenance lawsuit grounds? A lawyer who sues you for negligent maintenance will usually argue the case in one of two ways: negligence per se vs. "ordinary negligence."
In many states, once an attorney establishes the unlawful condition of a vehicle (negligence per se) and shows that it contributed to the accident, you become automatically liable. The only issue left for a jury in such a case may be simply determining the amount you'll have to pay. The lesson here, and the strategy for reducing your liability under this theory, is simple: Never allow your vehicle to be operated in a condition that could be considered unsafe or unlawful. Even the shortest of distances is not worth the risk!
There is one more thing you should understand about these kinds of cases: after an accident, many people — and especially lawyers — will do a lot of "Monday morning quarterbacking." Even if a tire on your vehicle had a bald spot on the side closest to the vehicle, where it was unlikely that anyone would have seen it, a good lawyer can make you look like a degenerate employer. Just imagine the attorney pointing to a woman in a wheelchair saying, "She would still be walking if this employer had just taken two minutes to take a close look at the tires on his company vehicle once in a while."
What can you do to reduce the likelihood of successful negligent maintenance claims? Obviously, the quality of your vehicle is the focus of these claims. Thus, taking steps to ensure that your vehicles are adequately maintained and documenting that you have taken those steps is usually your best defense. Here are some things that can help you to protect yourself:
If you are concerned about keeping your vehicles in good condition, and documenting the fact that you conduct regular vehicle inspections, you should consider downloading a copy of the checklist for evaluating used vehicles from our Business Tools .
The checklist is a handy two-page size and includes spaces for any comments you want to make. You can also give a copy to a mechanic whom you trust and ask him or her to inspect your vehicle.
There are numerous good reasons for having a vehicle policy if you have employees using your vehicles, but arguably the most important is that the right vehicle policy can help you reduce respondeat superior liability. The term "respondeat superior" is a legal way of saying, "As long as your employee is using your vehicle to perform work for you, I'm holding you responsible if the employee gets into an accident with that vehicle." Therefore, if your policy prohibits employees from using your business vehicles for personal use, and for example, an employee gets into an accident with one while transporting some paint the employee was going to use to paint his house, it's easier to argue that you are not responsible for the accident.
Drafting a vehicle policy is the best way to set and communicate the rules regarding employees' use of vehicles. Here are are a few suggestions for drafting vehicle policies that meet your needs:
You could include an introduction to the policy that says something like:
"Our company vehicles cost a lot of money to purchase, maintain, and insure. When employees use company vehicles for unauthorized purposes, this drives up our vehicle costs in many ways, and it hurts the company's bottom line. This hurts us all because it means less money for such things as salaries, benefits, and product development. Therefore, please help us by observing the following vehicle rules. "
Good vehicle policies help limit the tax consequences of having employees use vehicles. The IRS is wary of people who try to lower their income and payroll taxes by negotiating with their employers for fringe benefits — which these people assume are non-taxable — instead of higher salaries. For this reason, the IRS has special rules requiring employers to report the fringe benefit associated with having a company car as taxable compensation. If it is practical for you to establish vehicle policies that restrict personal use of your vehicles by employees, it may save you the hassles of withholding the value of vehicular fringe benefits from employee paychecks, and sending that money to the IRS.
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