Copyright License Agreement: What You Need to Know

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If you want to grant permission to another company or person to use your copyrighted material, such as a book, song, or article, consider signing a copyright license agreement with them. A copyright license agreement is a legally enforceable contract that gives a licensee—the company or person interested in using your work—legal authorization to use your work for designated purposes, typically in exchange for payment.

Read on to learn more about copyright license agreements and how to create one.

What is a copyright license agreement?

Also known as copyright release agreements, copyright assignment agreements, and copyright transfer agreements, copyright agreements are extremely important to regulate how others use your work. Their main purposes are to:

There are two main types of copyright licenses: nonexclusive and exclusive. When a nonexclusive license is given, the licensee is the only entity with the right to use your work for the duration of the licensing agreement. In contrast, a nonexclusive license allows you to authorize other companies and people to use the work at the same time.

You’re likely to encounter copyright license agreements if you work in innovative industries like entertainment and tech. Here are some examples of what copyright license agreements can regulate:

There are some types of information you can’t license with a copyright license agreement. These include:

Copyright assignment agreements typically require licensees to pay two types of fees: a copyright fee and royalty fees. Although they sound similar, royalty fees are distinct from copyright fees. The licensee pays a copyright fee to obtain a copyright license from you. They will then pay you royalty fees based on how much they earn using the copyrighted work. For example, a filmmaker will pay you a copyright fee to obtain a copyright license from you. This will allow them to use one of your songs in their films. The filmmaker will start paying you royalty fees once they make money above a certain threshold.

How to create a copyright license agreement

To create a copyright license agreement, you need to include the following parts:

1. Basic information

Like other types of contracts, you need to cover the following in your copyright license agreement:

2. Copyright-license-specific information

You also need to include the following information about the work being licensed and the terms of the license itself: