CFPB Issues Proposed Rule Amending Mortgage Servicing Rules

The CFPB recently issued its long-awaited proposed rule amending the mortgage servicing rules under Regulation X, with a focus on streamlining and expanding the loss mitigation procedures and foreclosure protections. The amendments have been touted as a means to streamline the loss mitigation process, with a nod to the laudable approach taken by industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in doing so, the CFPB has also significantly expanded borrower protections during the loss mitigation process, and left many concerning questions based on the proposed language.

The proposed rule also amends aspects of the early intervention requirements, and error resolution requirements. Also of particular note, the proposed rule includes language access requirements, including requirements to provide translated versions of certain communications.

Comments to the proposal are due on September 9, 2024. The proposed effective date for most of the provisions is 12 months after publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. The proposed effective date for the language access requirements is 18 months after publication of the final rule.

Below we provide a deep dive into the proposed changes, including some initial thoughts on topics of concern or uncertainty.

New Definitions

The proposed rule deletes the definition of a “loss mitigation application” from § 1024.31. The concept of a loss mitigation application is replaced by the term “loss mitigation review cycle”, which is defined as follows:

Loss mitigation review cycle means a continuous period of time beginning when the borrower makes a request for loss mitigation assistance, provided the request is made more than 37 days before a foreclosure sale, and ending when the loan is brought current or the procedural safeguards in § 1024.41(f)(2)(i) or (ii) are met. A loss mitigation review cycle continues while a borrower is in a temporary or trial loss mitigation period, such as a forbearance or modification trial payment plan, and the loan has not yet been brought current.

The term “request for loss mitigation assistance” is also newly defined as follows:

Request for loss mitigation assistance means any oral or written communication, occurring through any usual and customary channel for mortgage servicing communications, whereby a borrower asks a servicer for mortgage relief. A request for loss mitigation assistance should be construed broadly and includes, but is not limited to, any communication whereby: (1) A borrower expresses an interest in pursuing a loss mitigation option; (2) A borrower indicates that they have experienced a hardship and asks the servicer for assistance with making payments, retaining their home, or avoiding foreclosure; or (3) In response to a servicer’s unsolicited offer of a loss mitigation option, a borrower expresses an interest in pursuing either the loss mitigation option offered or any other loss mitigation option.

Loss Mitigation and Foreclosure Protection Changes

Most notably, the proposed rule dramatically changes the loss mitigation procedures and foreclosure protections in § 1024.41. In general, the proposed changes dispense with the application-based procedural framework for loss mitigation and foreclosure protections. It is replaced with a framework that simply applies foreclosure protections upon any “request for loss mitigation assistance”, and then leaves it to the servicer to review the borrower for loss mitigation options sequentially or simultaneously.