Treaties in Force is prepared by the Department of State for the purpose of providing information on treaties and other international agreements to which the United States has become a party and which are currently in force. Use this resource to find citation information to official sources such as UST and TIAS.
Includes several official treaty sources including United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST) and the Treaties and International Act Series (TIAS). Also contains guides to treaty research.
Includes a Quick Treaty Locator by parties, Treaty comparison tools, model conventions, court opinions, rate tables and more.
Includes worldwide tax treaties, treaty case law, e-books, journal articles, news, and in-depth studies of foreign tax laws country by country. Select the Tax Research Platform tab. No login required but must be on campus or connected to the VPN. You may create an individual account to personalize content and save search results.
Another excellent resource for international tax research, with one of the leading news and analysis publications, Tax Notes International (and Worldwide Tax Daily). Also has the Worldwide Tax Treaties database. On first use, click Sign In to set up your account. You must be on campus or using the VPN to set up your account. After that, you can access Tax Analysts from anywhere. Use your email address, then register as a new user.
A broad tax research tool with excellent international tax content, including Foreign & International Portfolios, U.S. Tax Treaties, and news and commentary sources. Click the International tab to access the content. Note: UF's subscription to BNA does not currently include international tax treaty content.